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Cambridge Elementary
*Cambridge Elementary Uses Standard of Excellence Enhanced Book #1*
*Rico Reeds for Clarinet or Alto Saxophone #2.5*
*Teachers recommend the Hodge Silk Swab for Alto Saxophone only*
*Teachers recommend the JKM Care Kits for Brass Instruments Only (Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, French Horn).*
*Rico Reeds for Clarinet or Alto Saxophone #2.5*
*Teachers recommend the Hodge Silk Swab for Alto Saxophone only*
*Teachers recommend the JKM Care Kits for Brass Instruments Only (Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, French Horn).*
John Keal Music Care Kit- Choose Your Instrument
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Légerè Classic Synthetic Reed for Alto Saxophone
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Légerè Classic Synthetic Reed for Bass Clarinet
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Légerè Classic Synthetic Reed for Clarinet
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Mike Balter Basics Mallets
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Rico Reeds for Bari Saxophone- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Rico Reeds for Bass Clarinet- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Rico Reeds for Tenor Saxophone- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Royal Reeds for Alto Saxophone- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Royal Reeds for Bari Saxophone- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Royal Reeds for Bass Clarinet- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Royal Reeds for Clarinet- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Royal Reeds for Tenor Saxophone- Choose Strength and Quantity
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Standard of Excellence Enhanced
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Wire Folding Music Stand
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Al Cass Valve Oil
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Hodge Silk Swab- Choose Instrument
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JKM Cork Grease
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Mouthpiece Brush for Woodwinds
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Neotech Soft Sax Strap®
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